Videos about Our Projects (Click for Video List)
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Videos about Our Projects (Click for Video List)
Solar Powered Street Light (Click for News)
Publikasi Teknik Elektro UPH disitir Jurnal Internasional (Click pic.)
Liputan Electrical Engineering & FaST UPH (Click Pic for News & Vid)
New Journal Paper by EE Alumnus: Wiwi Samsul (Click Pic for News)
Elektro Mega Project: “Light for Life” (Click Pic for More)
Publications & Worldwide Contribution (Click Picture for News)
Our People (Click Picture to see Faculty Members)
Community Service: Solar Cell System (Click Picture for News)
Cooperation: EE-UPH & LIPI (Click Picture for News)
Project: Temperature Control Using ARM Proc. (Click Picture for Video)
Demo: Wireless Communications (Click Picture for Video)


Electrical Engineering UPH is one of only 17 Electrical Engineering programs in Indonesia accredited with an "A" out of 225 Electrical Engineering programs listed in BAN-PT (Dec, 2016).The 17 EE programs with an "A" include many government universities such as UI, ITB, ITS, and UGM. In Jakarta and its surrounding only 5 universities have an Electrical Engineering program with an "A" accreditation!


UPH is the 11th most productive private university on research paper among 4000's private university in Indonesia. According to SCOPUS (29th August 2015), UPH had 103 SCOPUS indexed papers, which 43 papers (or 42%) come from Electrical Engineering Department.




Program studi Teknik Elektro UPH adalah satu dari hanya 17 program studi Teknik Elektro di Indonesia yang berakreditasi "A" dari 225 program studi Teknik Elektro yang terdaftar di BAN-PT (Desember, 2016). Tujuh belas program studi TE berakreditasi "A" tersebut meliputi banyak universitas negeri seperti UI, ITB, ITS, dan UGM. Di Jakarta dan sekitarnya (Jabodetabek) hanya ada 5 universitas dengan program studi Teknik Elektro berakreditasi "A"!

UPH merupakan PTS urutan ke 11 yang paling produktif dari sekitar 4000-an PTS se Indonesia. Berdasarkan catatan SCOPUS per 29 Agustus 2015, UPH mempunyai 103 karya ilmiah yang terindeks di SCOPUS. Dari jumlah tersebut, Jurusan Teknik Elektro menyumbang 43 karya ilmiah, yaitu 42%.


Keywords: Jurusan, Teknik Elektro, Universitas, Akreditasi