Scholarship Announcement 2nd Year : The Erasmus Mundus LEADERS


Scholarship Announcement

The Dept. of Electrical Engineering, UPH is a partner within a consortium of 22 universities from EU and Asia in The Erasmus Mundus LEADERS (Leading mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and ReSearch) project that provides scholarship for undergraduate student exchange, master, Ph.D. (student exchange and full degree study), post-doc, and staff exchange between Asian and Europe countries within the consortium. The priority study areas are electrical and electronic engineeringICTphotonic and biomedical engineeringcomputer engineeringenergy and power systemsinformatics and telecom engineering. The scholarship will cover living expenses, airfare, insurance, and subsidy to participation cost (e.g. student union fee, library membership, etc. if stay for >10 months).

Where you can go?

$1·         City University London, UK (

$1·         Politecnico Di Milano, Italy (

$1·         TU Dortmund, Germany (

$1·         Universidade do Porto, Portugal (

$1·         University of Limerick, Ireland (

$1·         University of Oradea, Romania (

$1·         Frederick University, Cyprus (

The first cohort of scholarship recipients already start the departure on August 2015. Now we announce the 2nd cohort registration.

Cohort 2: Scholarship for undergraduate, master (student exchange), Ph.D. (student exchange), staff-exchange

Registration: 23 October 2015 – 23 December 2015 through

Study start: Mid 2016

Who are eligible to apply:

$1·         Undergraduate student exchange program (take up to 6 months of study or research in partner European University): UPH’s undergraduate student who has finished at least 1 year of study.

$1·         Master student exchange program (take up to 6 months of study or research in partner European University): UPH’s junior lecturer who is doing master study in Indonesia, UPH’s master student, has finished at least 1 year of study.

$1·         Doctorate student exchange program (take up to 6 months of study or research in partner European University): UPH’s lecturer who is doing Ph.D. in Indonesia, has finished at least 1 year of study.

Staff exchange program (take up to 3 month of research visit to partner European university): UPH’s staff

Info Session

When : Fri, 30 Oct 2015, 11:30WIB

Where: B-547

This scholarship is competitive. Indonesia is in the same group with Malaysia, Thailand, China, Srilanka, Maldives, Philippines, North Korea. Applicants have to submit their documents online and will be scored by a selection committee from the consortium.

For further info, please contact Dr. Henri Uranus, e-mail:            

Online application (forms and submission):

Click here for session information, Click here for durations, grants and deadline informations.