2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
H. P. Uranus, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, and R. Stoffer, “Modeling and Design of Realistic Si3N4-based Integrated Optical Programmable Power Splitter,” J. Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2010. pp. 255-268. Print ISSN: 0218-8635. Online ISSN: 1793-6624 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218863510005236, indexed in WoS and SCOPUS).
Syahrun Nur Abdulmadjid, Zener Sukra Lie, Hideaki Niki, Marincan Pardede, Rinda Hedwig, Tjung Jie Lie, Eric Jobiliong, Koo Hendrik Kurniawan, Ken-Ichi Fukumoto, Kiichiro Kagawa, and May On Tjia, "Quantitative Deuterium Analysis of Titanium Samples in Ultraviolet Laser-Induced Low-Pressure Helium Plasma”, Appl. Spectrosc., Vol. 64, pp. 365-369 (indexed in WoS and SCOPUS).
H. P. Uranus, ”Theoretical Study on the Multimodeness of a Commercial Endlessly Single Mode PCF,” Opt. Commun., Vol. 283, No. 23, 1 Dec. 2010, pp. 4649-4654. ISSN: 0030-4018 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2010.07.061, indexed in WoS and SCOPUS).
Eddy Wijanto, Ihan Martoyo, Herman Kanalebe, “Chaos Codes for CDMA Spreading”, Proc. of the Indonesia Malaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) 2010, Depok, 11 – 12 June 2010, Paper O1615, ISSN 2086-8308.
Martinus A. Hendrata, Henri P. Uranus, A. Purwanto, A. Riman, “Perancangan Media Perantara Flash Drive Berbasis Mikrokontroller”, Proc. of the 9th National Conference on Design and Application of Technology (DAT 2010), Surabaya, 15 Juli 2010, pp. 36-43, ISSN 1412-727X.
Faisal Rahardja, Henri P. Uranus, and Endrowednes Kuantama, “Fabrication of Microfluidic Chips with Hotplate Embossing Technique,” Proc. The 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Surabaya, Indonesia, 9-10 Oct. 2010, ITS and Indonesia Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES), pp. 126-130. ISSN: 2087-328X.
Harris Ega, H. P. Uranus, and G. O. F. Parikesit, “Fabrication and Characterization of PMMA-based Microfluidic Chip by Hot-wire Embossing,” Proc. The 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Surabaya, Indonesia, 9-10 Oct. 2010, ITS and Indonesia Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES), pp. 131-135. ISSN: 2087-328X.
I. Martoyo, Philip, A. Susanto, E. Wijanto, H. Kanalebe, and K. Gandi, “Chaos Codes vs. Orthogonal Codes for CDMA,” Proc. International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA2010), Taichiung, Taiwan, 17-23 Oct. 2010, Society of Inf. Theory and its Applications (SITA), IEEE, & Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), pp. 189-193.
J. Darma, L. Setyawan, E. Kuantama, "Pre-flood alarm using GSM modem," Proceeding of International Conf. on Telecommunications (ICTel) 2010, Bandung, Indonesia, 27-28 Oct. 2010, IT Telkom, pp. 173-177, ISSN 1858-2982.
Wiwi Samsul, H. P. Uranus, and M. D. Birowosuto, “Recognizing Document’s Originality by Laser Surface Authentication,” Proc. The 2010 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies (ACT 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 – 3 Dec. 2010, IEEE Computer Society, Association of Computer, Electronics, and Electrical Engineers (ACEE), and Bina Nusantara University, pp. 37 – 40. ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-4269-0. (DOI: 10.1109/ACT.2010.15, included in the IEEE Xplore database, indexed in SCOPUS)
Stephen L. Tanihaha, H. P. Uranus, and J. Darma, “Fabrication and Characterization of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell using Blackberry Dye and Titanium Dioxide Nanocrystals,” Proc. The 2010 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies (ACT 2010), Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 – 3 Dec. 2010, IEEE Computer Society, Association of Computer, Electronics, and Electrical Engineers (ACEE), and Bina Nusantara University, pp. 60 – 63. ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-4269-0. (DOI: 10.1109/ACT.2010.46, included in the IEEE Xplore database, indexed in SCOPUS)