Mathies Bon Appetit is a monthly gathering brought by Internal Relation Division to celebrate the New Year 2018. Mathies Bon Appetit was held on January 16, 2018 from 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. at Overtaste, Gading Serpong and was attended by 42 Mathies family from batch 2014 until 2017.
‘Bon Appetit’ means ‘I hope you enjoy your food’. As its name, this event is intended to invite Mathies family to a dinner attended by various batches as one family. Throughout the dinner time, they also catch up by exchanging stories, playing cards and board games, thus having a quality time together.

To make this event merrier, there was a challenge ‘eating Spicy Shoyu Indomie Level 20’. At first, nobody dared to join this challenge because the noodle was extremely spicy. However, in the end, Angela Marganita from batch 2017 and Luthfi Al Akbar from batch 2015 took courage to participate on this challenge. Everyone cheered for them as they finished their noodle and the spicy soup. Finally, Angela won over Luthfi.
After the Indomie challenge, Mathies Bon Appetit was closed with photo sessions. We hope that this event will be a remarkable night for Mathies family and the kinship between them become even stronger.
Mathies Bon Appetit is a monthly gathering brought by Internal Relation Division to celebrate the New Year 2018. Mathies Bon Appetit was held on January 16, 2018 from 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. at Overtaste, Gading Serpong and was attended by 42 Mathies family from batch 2014 until 2017.
‘Bon Appetit’ means ‘I hope you enjoy your food’. As its name, this event is intended to invite Mathies family to a dinner attended by various batches as one family. Throughout the dinner time, they also catch up by exchanging stories, playing cards and board games, thus having a quality time together.
To make this event merrier, there was a challenge ‘eating Spicy Shoyu Indomie Level 20’. At first, nobody dared to join this challenge because the noodle was extremely spicy. However, in the end, Angela Marganita from batch 2017 and Luthfi Al Akbar from batch 2015 took courage to participate on this challenge. Everyone cheered for them as they finished their noodle and the spicy soup. Finally, Angela won over Luthfi.
After the Indomie challenge, Mathies Bon Appetit was closed with photo sessions. We hope that this event will be a remarkable night for Mathies family and the kinship between them become even stronger[R1] .
[R1]Foto yang rame2 kayaknya blur, ga ada yang lain yang lebih bagus yah? :”