Mathematics is a branch in the world of science that specifies in numbers. Mathematics, itself, is one of the most ancient studies used by mankind since 3000 B.C. Originally, the knowledge of Mathematics was only used in the world of business. But as time progresses, one’s view on Mathematics has changed. It is now considered a valuable and significant part of mankind and its techniques are applicable in all fields. Unfortunately, there is an abundance of people that do not understand the importance of Mathematics for daily life. In Indonesia itself, the public still have a mindset that Mathematics is only useful and applicable in the world of education. When in fact, there is a lot of aspects in the human life that uses the principles of Mathematics. Plenty of parents still believe that studying Mathematics only leadsthe profession of being a teacher. This mindset does not correspond to the reality of the occupation that graduates of Mathematics obtain. In the environment of UPH itself, the department of Mathematics is still categorized as a department that attracts minimal interest and its existence is merely something with no importance or concern. The lack of awareness and appreciation from the public, especially from students of UPH, is caused by the minimal effort of dissemination of information on Mathematics. Throughout the years, the Department of Mathematics lacks effort in establishing its existence, achievements as well as events, in UPH. Therefore, student board of Mathematics in UPH intend to host an event Infinitics: Interminably Finding True Knowledge in Mathematics which is a Mathematics competition for high school students that live in the island of Java and its surroundings. We hope that this event will alter the public’s view that Mathematics is considered less applicable in daily and work life as well as the occupation that graduates of Mathematics could acquire.
- Develop potential high school students in analyzing and managing mindset.
- Introducing application of mathematics in real life and work life.
- Introducing Mathematics Department of Universitas Pelita Harapan to the society.
Mathematics Intelligent Race
Mathematics intelligent race is a program for high school student to improve their calculating skill and coordination in their group.
The winners from this race will get money and thropy.
Mathematics Modelling
Mathematics Modelling is a mathematics competition that modelling event that happen in real life based by mathematics approach. This race is for finding and optimalzing event solution.
Peserta dapat mengikuti kompetisi ini dalam bentuk kelompok (3 people) dengan cara mengirimkan makalah pemodelan terlebih dahulu yang kemudian akan diseleksi untuk melakukan presentasi makalah.
Pemenang dari kompetisi ini akan mendapat hadiah menarik berupa uang tunai dan piala.
Mathematics Olympiad
Mathematics Olympiad is a program from INFINITICS which held for high school student to improve their mindset and also improve the analysis and calculating.
Seminar and Workshop
Seminar is a program from INFINITICS which held for college student, teacher, and high school student.